Generally, to the IBM Software Group, a processor is a functional unit within a computing device that interprets and executes instructions. 通常,对于IBMSoftwareGroup而言,一个处理器是一台计算设备中用于解释和执行指令的一个功能部件。
The Service Contract ties together multiple related operations into a single functional unit. ServiceContract将多个相关的操作集成为一个单功能单元。
The control unit is the functional unit that is responsible for supervising the operation of the entire computer system. 控制部件是负责监督整个计算机系统操作的功能部件。
A functional unit that records events and physical conditions, usually with respect to time. 通常根据时间来记录事件或物理状态的一种功能部件〔操作装置〕。
Division an area of government or corporate activity organized as an administrative or functional unit. 部门政府或公司的一个部分,属一行政或功能单位。
This protoplasm or DNA with the interacting forces forms a cell; which is the basic functional unit of the body. 原生质或DNA蕴含着相互作用的力量,它形成细胞,这是身体的基本功能单元。
A functional unit, part of another unit such as a terminal or a processing unit, that interprets and executes instructions. 部分其它装置如终端或处理装置等的功能单元,它翻译并执行指令。
A functional unit whose output analog variable is equal to the sum, or a weighted sum, of the input analog variables. 其输出的模拟变量等于两个或多个输入模拟变量之和或加权和的一种操作装置〔功能部件〕。
Hardware or software that is part of a functional unit. 属于某一操作装置的组成部分的硬件或软件。
Idle time is the part of operable time during which a functional unit is not operated. 空闲时间是在可工作的时间中某一功能部件不运行的那段时间。
A functional unit whose output data are a representation of the complements of the numbers represented by its input data. 一种操作部件,其输出数据所表示的是其输入数据所表示的数的补码。
A processor is a functional unit that interprets and carries out instructions. 处理器是解释并执行指令的功能部件。
A functional unit that controls one or more input-output channels. 一种控制若干输入-输出通道的操作装置。
It's structural and functional unit of myofibrils. 是肌原纤维结构和功能基本单位。
A functional unit containing devices that are used for communications between a computer operator and a computer. 一种包含有用于操作员和计算机进行通信的设备的操作装置。
The program in an operating system, or another functional unit, the purpose of which is to dispatch. 操作系统或其它功能单元中起调度作用的程序。
A functional unit that interconnects two computer networks with different network architectures. 一种把二个具有不同网络体系结构的计算机网联接起来的操作装置〔功能部件〕。
A functional unit whose output analog variable is the integral of an input analog variable with respect to time. 一种功能部件,其输出模拟变量是输入模拟变量相对于时间的积分。
Nephron: Functional unit of the kidney that removes waste and excess substances from the Blood to produce urine. 肾元;肾单位:肾的功能单位,为自血液排除废物与过剩物质以产生尿的构造。
The nephron is the structural and functional unit of the kidney. 肾单位是肾脏的结构和功能单位。
In system development, preparing and placing a functional unit in position for use. 在系统开发过程中,将操作装置就位和使用前的准备工作。
Each drawer is a independent functional unit. 一个抽屉为一个独立功能单元。
In analog computing, a functional unit that compares two analog variables and indicates the result of that comparison. 在模拟计算机技术中,一种比较两个模拟量并将比较结果表示出来的功能部件。
In computer graphics, a manually operated functional unit used to specify an addressable point. 在计算机图形学中,用来指明一个可寻址点的一种人工操作控制单元。
In network architecture, any functional unit that is in the same layer as another entity. 在网络结构体系中,任何与另一个实体处在同一层次上的功能单元或操作装置。
To make a facility of functional unit operational. 使设施或功能单元〔操作部件〕可运行。
Fan speed resistor is an important functional unit in the recirculation system of vehicle air conditioning. 鼓风机调速电阻是汽车空调冷热循环系统中的功能部件。
A functional unit that converts a modulated signal into the original signal. 把已调制过的信号恢复为原始信号的一种功能部件,或叫操作装置。
The termination of the ability of a functional unit to perform its required function. 功能部件执行其必要操作能力消失的现象。
A functional unit that converts a signal into a modulated signal suitable for transmission. 将信号转变成适合于传输的被调制信号的一种操作装置。